Are You A Hidden Worker? Don’t let employers’ technology hide you from your dream opportunity. Our free ebook can help you reveal and showcase your talent to get the job you want! Just complete the short form below, and we’ll send it to you. No...
Egality:”represents an extreme leveling of society,” or “a state of being essentially equal or equivalent; equally balanced. Throughout the history of the United States, employers and laborers have engaged in constant negotiation about work, working...
Stranger Danger! Talking to strangers is stressful and uncomfortable. Stranger Danger is part of kids’ safety education. From a very young age, they’re taught to stick with folks they know. Studies have shown that the fear of strangers is common across...
Writing soft skills into your resume is one way of communicating fit to a potential employer, but we live in the Information age now, and communication is getting an upgrade. The new standard is candidates sharing their soft skills in support of their resume through...
Landing your dream job requires successfully communicating your value and fit. In other words, your messaging should inspire 100% positive feelings and attitudes from your prospective employers. In Professor Albert Mehrabian’s Communication Theory: 7% of messaging...
Everyone knows recruiters and hiring managers are busy, and scheduling interviews can be tricky. But job seekers are active too. They have kids and life events and other stuff that doesn’t stop because of employment status. Some recruiters will request a 2-hour window...
When you use a video interview to support your resume, networking, and job search your messaging can help recruiters get to know you better faster, but you also give them the language they may need to defend you as the choice for the job. Your well-executed answers...
Most folks assume that using video in their job search means posting it in a public place for public consumption. This is because most videos are posted on social media sites like YouTube or Facebook, which are not private or “secure.” Why broadcast your best talent...
I think many video conference interviews suffer from what I call “Strangeritis Maxitosis.” This condition is a largely ignored social phenomenon that occurs when strangers meet and attempt to do important business before becoming familiar, and then falsely attribute...
Experts are starting to recommend that credit rating shouldn’t have anything to do with insurance rates. Higher premiums are disproportionately applied to people of color with lower credit ratings or no credit history – even when they represent a lower risk on...
According to Forbes, CNBC, and several other publications, up to 11.5 million people left their jobs in April, May, and June. 4 million more quit in August alone! Reasons for this mass exodus from the office are varied and personal and may indicate the American...
I absolutely love reading articles on There is so much practical, immediately actionable advice over there that anyone in the job search (or on the job!) can learn something fast and put it into practice even faster. There are a few articles I read lately...
Thinking outside the box doesn’t mean making a spectacle of yourself.When an aspiring actress tried to get Tyler Perry’s attention, she purchased a billboard near the mogul’s Atlanta-based studios. After seeing the billboard, Mr. Perry responded on social media and...
Video is fast becoming the norm for digesting information. It’s fast, easy to consume, and capable of telling big stories in a short amount of time which makes it perfect for supplementing a regular old resume. Your Pointe Profile® consists of three categories for...
Video interviewing is no different than a face-to-face interview. But, if you’re new to video interviewing there are a few tips that can help you prepare, so you feel confident and ready to get that dream job!Be Prepared All of the other tips in this post rely on this...
Connexion Pointe® is video interviewing for the world and YOU. We empower companies and candidates all over the world to make excellent connections at first contact. For you, as the candidate, there are benefits for creating your Pointe Profile® with a video...
Defining “Fit”For the longest time, recruiters and jobseekers have grappled with defining what “fit” means to themselves or their organizations. I have my own opinions of what the term means (and I’m sure you do too), but that’s not...
“Video Resume” is a Dirty WordVideo is taking over the internet. It isn’t easy to find an area where a video hasn’t impacted businesses’ online presence and branding. In recruiting, however, the jury is still out on whether a “video resume” is a good idea or...
First, let’s identify “cultural fit.” Every organization has a set of operational values, standards, and norms. Mainly, it’s the group’s behavior as a whole that includes structure, values, processes, or, to put it simply, how the team...
Connexion Pointe® was created and designed to encourage employers to lower costs by allowing candidates to screen themselves and present their best attributes in an easy-to-use format. Translation for HR professionals: less work for more high-quality information for...
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