Connexion Pointe® was created and designed to encourage employers to lower costs by allowing candidates to screen themselves and present their best attributes in an easy-to-use format. Translation for HR professionals: less work for more high-quality information for FREE is always good.
The typical tools used for screening a candidate, such as a resume and cover letter, are limited in the type and amount of information provided and often leave the HR professional wanting to know more. This leads to the ongoing screening process of phone interviews, short introductory interviews, and more. The process is time-consuming, and the information is limited.
The lack of material and desire to know more can lead to using other methods for gathering information. Creeping around a candidate’s social media pages has not found its way into the graces of the workforce at large. Let’s face it, it’s creepy, it creates liability, and the consensus is that the general public regards it as an unnecessary intrusion.
So, why are folks feeling so negative about investigating social media pages? The reason is that nobody wants to feel spied on, and employers can do better than striving to relish that “gotcha” moment. Not to mention, the liabilities are potentially endless once the social media Pandora’s Box is opened.
A candidate’s volunteering information has an entirely different feel. Connexion Pointe® provides an opportunity for them to go to town, giving employers a massive amount of professional insight at first contact while shielding employers from liability because the information is volunteered.
Consider the plethora of information at your fingertips. With Pointe Profile®, a candidate provides employers with a high-quality video interview relative to the position for which they are applying, video to support their experience, additional insights into their abilities, testimonials, and, of course, a resume.
The Pointe Profile® format makes it easy to follow, review, collaborate with hiring team members, remain in compliance, and eliminate liability. Pointe Savant® is the business side of the Connexion Pointe® application. If you’d like to know more about we’re changing job seekers’ approach, then check out our free ebook. Just fill out the form below, and we’ll send it to you. We also offer job seekers an inexpensive masterclass with step-by-step guides to get you going on the path to success fast!
In 2023 Control Your Career. Don't Let Your Career Control You!
If you'd like a bird's-eye-view of an excellent, modern job search plan that includes leveraging video, we have a free ebook available to get you up to speed! Just fill out the form below, and we'll send it to you.
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